Take your com­pany to new hori­zons with our assistance.
Safe busi­ness is smart business
PAT test­ing for all busi­ness tools and equipment.
Build­ing projects
Hire our ser­vices for your elec­tri­cal needs.

The team at Go Elec­tri­cal North­land will pro­vide all your elec­tri­cal and automa­tion needs includ­ing design and installation.

We pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive sup­port to keep your busi­ness going.

Safety is para­mount in our indus­try, and we ende­vour to sup­port you in the chang­ing reg­u­la­tions sur­round­ing safety, guard­ing, design, and instal­la­tion. Before you make changes, make sure to con­sult with per­sons of knowl­edge, and under­stand­ing of the machines and work prac­tice. We are able to assist you in meet­ing cur­rent standards.


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